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They Might Be Giants

The topic for this page will be one of my favorite bands, They Might Be Giants.

Four facts about They Might Be Giants

If you would like to know more about the band, visit the Wikipedia page for the band.
If you would like to see the band perform, here is a link with a list of their Tour Dates

Why is TMBG one of my favorite bands? Because the emotions that their songs create in me, which is calm and joy, the lyrics of their songs sometimes are non-sensical but the word arrangement and music well togethor. My introduction to the band was via a television show on MTV called 180 Minutes. The song that introduced me to the band was Birdhouse In Your Soul. I have included a link so that you can take a listen and see what you think.

If you want to reach out to me and discuss TMBG, email me at the following address
